Sunday, June 15, 2014

Why is everyone mad at facebook?

Facebook, social media, text messages - that's all young people do today! Why don't they talk more? People used to talk more!



Think about that for a sec. Today people sit on the bus with their iphones. 20 years ago they sat on the bus with their news papers. Have our habits really changed that much?
20 yearsw ago the only techonology kids used were mini games and game boys.

Today we have facebook and texting devices, and I have never communicated with my family as much as I do today.

Technology is just a tool and you can use it as an excuse to isolate yourself or to make yourself available to the world.

We might not be meeting lots of new people, but we find every sing second of our busy lives to stay in touch with people we care about.

But we actually are meeting new people. My husband has made friends all over the world by joining a group that does old style shaving.

Maybe the problem today is too much communication. No, I don't like when my husband takes me out on a date and chats away with his friends, but that is not a technology problem - it is a discipline problem.

I don't forget the times when I used to run off to the TV room with my soup just so I could watch TV. Instead of sitting on the table and talking with my grandma.

I do have one complaint. We are too quick to leave the media that we used so intensely just a few months ago.

We started with msn / aol/ yahoo chat rooms. They have been abandoned for facebook. Now people are slowing leaving behind facebook for the chat apps.

My msn never stopped ringing about 3 years ago. Today you can hear the crickets. I might as well delete the app.

I didn't know how long facebook will last, but I have a feeling eole will witch it for something else and forget about it eventually. And facebook owner will be smart to buy other technologies if he wants to stay on top.

My family today uses an app called What'sApp and we have free txt messages across country lines. We have never talked this much. And that is saying a lot bc my family loves to talk. So for us to beating our own record, hat is quite a feat.

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Little Brothers

I here was thinking about our naiveté when we try to teach people from different cultures how to worship God appropriately - things that range from how to dress for church until the right rhythm to sing praises.The word of God says that many will praise him from many cultures, languages ​​and nations. Thanks to the missionaries of the ancient world, the nations and cultures of European origins came. Thanks to European pilgrims, peoples from the Americas came. Thanks to the missionaries of the Americas, formerly unreached peoples of Africa and Asia came too.And we all came with our human cultures and languages ​​and failures. And we all had access the Bible and its message. And in our flawed ways, we try to worship this wonderful God who sent his son to die for the fallen race of Adam.Even saved, we are still flawed, because we are still part of the race of sinners. We are redeemed sinners - nothing else."Who has known the mind of our Lord?" Really. And who am I or you, or the European, or the American, to tell another how to sing praises or dress in a way that is pleasing to God?In my view, a Western missionary who tries to tell a Christian from an African or Asian tribe that must use this or that song or outfit equals himself to a 4 year old boy trying to teach the 3 year old little brother how to make Mom's  favorite bean stew.

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Everytime, the same bull-doodoo

Every time there is a fatal shooting, emotions rise to the surface and there is an outcry for tougher gun control laws.

I do not know what it feels like to have a child killed by a mad man. I hope I never have to. I can only imagine few things must be worse than that kind of loss.

But that horrible situation can not become the excuse for raising the banner of gun control. Why not? Because the more we control guns, the more you endanger the whole population.

Bearing arms is about safety - both personal and collective. We are silly to believe having to resort to armed revolt is an impossibility in America. It is a possibility we must hope never comes, but that is in the same way we lock our doors hoping the burglar never comes. Many times he doesn't, but are we stupid not to lock our doors? Most of us has never had to face a burglary, most of us never will. However, we still lock our doors. most of us will not die in an accident, however, we still wear clean underwear just in case.(in case you are looking at me funny let me ask you if you never had a grandma who told you you better wear clean underwear in case you ever find yourself dead on the streets and people will see you in nasty underwear).

Will we ever have the need for an armed revolution? Hope not. Maybe never. But we still prepare. Will we ever be attacked by an armed criminal/rapist in a dark alley? Hope not. Maybe never. As a matter of fact, don't walk into a dark alley. Be we still prepare.

When tragedies happen we think gun control is about preventing them from happening again. It is not.

Gun control is not about taking the gun away from the crazy shooter who takes lives away.

Gun control is about taking guns away from the population. Gun control is about empowering the government to control our lives. Something the Founding Fathers were so profoundly afraid of.

Not long ago, back in April, a boy in Murrysville, PA stabbed twenty students and a security person. No one cried for knife control. Why not? Because the government is not afraid of our knives.

When we cry for gun control, as concerned citizens, we don't realize  that we are in fact being used as puppets, in the hands of the gov-puppeteer who would rather have an armed population, and an excessive say in what we can or can not have.

The problem of violence will not be solved with stricter gun laws. This is too simplistic. in the mid-twentieth century, no one argued gun control, more people accepted guns as normal, but no one ever heard of school shootings. The problem of violence in school is beyond gun control.

Let's not let our emotion and concern for our children speak louder than common sense and big-picture safety. In case I die of a gun shot, don't use me as an excuse either. It is not about that.

And, since everyone likes statistics, let's not forget where most gun crimes happen - where gun laws are stricter:
- Schools are probably the most dangerous place in America today. It is a gun free zone.
- Cities where gun laws are harsher have higher gun crime rates as well. So much that if the two cities with highest crime rate in America were taken off the map, America would be one of the countries with the least gun violence. But guess what! Those cities are gun free zones.
BTW, before you eat me alive because I am not citing where I got this data from, do your own research. I did mine a while ago, and no I did not save the websites (though I should have). But the internet is here for you, too. I don't have exclusive rights to the WWW.