This is my place to vent, philosophize, tell jokes, whatever comes to mind. For travel tips go to: Para português:
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Car seats for small cars?
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Rumors of Jurassic World 2 - No, please don't!
I really hope these are just rumors.
I will say why:
How many of us who lived the 90's remember going to the movies to see Jurassic Park? Pretty much any one who watched it remembers that day.
I do. It was my birthday and I was sitting between the boy who was my best friend and the boy who had a crush on me, and wishing the boy I had a crush on had come too.
I remember leaving the theater with that feeling that I had just seen something pretty amazing. I wanted to go home and write movies like that one I had just seen. Mostly I remember being in the movie, because that is how I watched movies as a kid - I was always in there, the screen, with the characters. And when the movie was grand, like Jurassic Park, I felt like I had just had the adventure of my life. ... I left the theater feeling like I had had the greatest adventure of my whole entire life ... and in 12 years of life you have already had lots of adventures ... well, at least in the theater.
Now, how many of us actually remembers going to the movies to see Jurassic Park 2 or 3? Honestly. I mean, unless this was the movie where you met the love of your life, they are pretty unmemorable - like most sequels, except for perhaps Indiana Jones, which wasn't a sequel, it was a trilogy.
So really, do we need a sequel for Jurassic World? It was a great rebirth of Jurassic Park, with all the references to the old park and the being released on the same day gave it a somewhat magic aura... Do we need to ruin this by coming up with a sequel?
I really hope they don't do it. I know I am not going to watch it.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
truly shocked
I would probably never know what happened to him, had him not been the leader and admin of this group. It makes me uneasy to know that this could happen to any of my friends and I might never find out.
So, to all my friends out there on Facebook - even those of you who are my friends outside of FB, but I don't see or talk to very often; even those of you that don't agree with me on everything; and even those of you who are friends on FB only - I care about you. If I didn't, you wouldn't be on my FB. Believe me, I don't friend anyone I don't care to have in my life, no matter how long I've known such person in real life. So, if you're still on my FB friends list, I care about you. I wish you'd never die, but if you do, I wish I at least had a way to know, so I can mourn properly.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
facebook vacation
I tried answering my own question. I thought about facebook could want to make anyone stay away from it? What would be the benefits of staying away from it? H'm... All the hours of the day you spend browsing through your friends' pages or your own "home", getting into pointless discussions, reading stuff that makes absolutely no sense and that you wonder why anyone would waste their time posting it.
Maybe staying away from Facebook wasn't a bad thing at all. Maybe it could even be a good thing. Maybe I should try this!
So I did it. I announced a week facebook vacation on a Wednesday morning.
Knowing myself and my lack of self-discipline the first thing I did in order to ensure absolute success was to delete the facebook app from my phone. I knew that if I had the app at the touch of my fingers at any given time, I would end up giving in and cheating by looking at the app "for just a quick little second", and then my experiment would be ruined.
The first couple of hours were really tough. I kept thinking, "dang, why did I do that?" I kept opening my phone just to be reminded that the facebook app wasn't there anymore. I kept wondering what my favorite comedians were posting, what was going on in my Beatles group, what my friends were up to what I would only find out next time I talked to them. Argh! It was driving me insane. I didn't think I'd be able to do it.
But, lo and behold, I made it through 24 hours and I wasn't as devastated as I thought I would be. I was actually fine.
The rest of the week went by uneventful. I checked twitter for my news updates, and I texted with friends I usually text with. So, as you can see, no, I didn't become a hermit, I just wasn't wasting hours and hours of my day scrolling through stuff that might or might not be true, cute sayings, drama-dram-drama. Did I miss the funny posts, my favorite comedians, my groups? Yes, I did. But just for a few minutes and less and less each day.
So, in the end, I must say, it was not as bad as I thought it would be, and it is actually better than what I thought it would be.
I went back to using Facebook this Wednesday, but I have been using it a lot less that I used to. I still haven't added the app back to my phone. Let's see what happens from now on.
Sunday, August 09, 2015
Sunday, August 02, 2015
Assuming I am Hispanic ticks me off
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Hamburgs without tomatoes?
Sunday, July 19, 2015
I'm tired of this insanity
Martin Luther King had a dream in which in America people wouldn't be judged by the color of their skin, but by their character.
However, it really doesn't matter if you are conservative or liberal, Christian or atheist, gay or straight. Anytime anyone is persecuted for daring to be themselves, or speak their minds, it shows there's something wrong with us as a society. If we can't live together, knowing that we are different and respecting those differences, we are going to die alone.
So here are the some of the stories that inspired this post. Just some of them ... but also remember the journalist that tweeted a racist joke concerning Ebola and Africa, the bakers who had to close down because they refused to bake a cake, the comedian who made a joke about (I think) Jenner, and all the heat Tebow got.
on not being to thrilled about Jenner:
on justices who took a stand against gay marriage:
some muslim player punished for praying
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
People acting delusional
No, really. Sometimes I wish I hadn't said anything to anyone.
I don't even think I was ready to break the news when I did. I was kind of forced into it. See, I was still trying to come to grips with the idea. I was absolutely not ready to say it aloud to any other human being (other than my husband). ... But the grapevine spreads rumors at the speed of light, so before the news got to certain people who should be hearing it from me, I had to go ahead and say it.
Come on, people, don't you have anyone else to talk about? The Kardashians? Can you leave me alone until I fully understand what the hell I just did? I'll come out when I am good and ready.
They all got smiles and I'm going: "What was I thinking? Was I high or something? Was I temporarily insane when I CHOSE to have unprotected sex?"
So, yeah, I had almost everything, and our lives were going pretty darn well.But hey, baby, let's make a baby. Why? Bc just the two of us living happily and carefree ever after just isn't enough. (???) ... Because we agreed to it 6 years ago when we got married. (Really? Is that even a reason?)
Sunday, July 05, 2015
Thirteenth day of captivity in Hanover, NH
Two days ago was our last dinner together.
Yesterday was our last lunch.
This morning, our last breakfast, last Master Class, lass drill session...
Right now, I am cleaning up my classroom. And waiting for the students to come for their exit interview.
Then there's graduation and goodbyes.
I will certainly miss this mad mix of languages. I feel like I never ended a hallway conversation in the same language I started it. I even spoke a bit of French!
It was also very unusual for me to speak Portuguese for so many hours out of the day - from 7am to 9pm.
This post should have been finished last week right here. ...
We had the graduation ceremony, where a student from each class gave a small speech in their own target language. Yes, it was very emotional. ... Why do people like to make me cry? Anyway, I didn't cry. ... I almost did. Everyone thanked John Rassias for having such an amazing view which led to this awesome program. Then ...
... Then it was time to leave. You know, just saying a bunch of goodbyes and wondering will we see each other again?
Well, whatever happens, our lives were intertwined for 2 weeks of fun and hard work. We all took something from the people we met and we all left something with them too. Our lives will never be the same again.
Saturday, July 04, 2015
Twelfth day of captivity in Hanover, NH
Word to the wise, don't try punching in in your bank password on the code pad to get into the building. It won't work. I tried for about 10 times before I decided to actually punch in the code they gave me when I first got here. Only then was I able to get the door to unlock.
So it is the 4th of July. Two days ago I celebrated the independence of my home country (DOIS DE JULHO!). Last night the cultural event for the Brasil classroom was A trip through Brazilian colonial history and the Portuguese language.
The slide presentation went great and it was really fun except that one of my links was misplaced. That was disappointing, but fortunately I had been to the website on that very same day and the info from it was fresh in my mind.
Today was a fun day. Every one is pretty much exhausted, and frustrated at times, but the students have been making so much progress, it is also exciting. It is fun to see that even the ones that have the most trouble have come a long way in this (as they say) Club Med for language masochists.
But it was also fun because today was skits day. Each class was supposed to prepare a 3-5 minute skit about their experience here at ALPS. I was looking forward to see what my students were going to come up with. ... What were those girls up to?
Well, the skits were simply hysterical! I tried recording my class's, but I laughed so much that the camera wouldn't stay still. next time I will use a tripod.
It also was fun to see how much they learned (using the target language to present the skits), and how they can laugh at us and at themselves.
Finally, what do you do in Hanover, NH, on your night off, on fourth of July by yourself?
Luckly I was invited my the Argentina class to walk downtown with them to a restaurant. Hanover has no fireworks, but we could hear them. I also got to meet a lot of fun people, and practice my Spanish a bit.
Friday, July 03, 2015
Ninth, tenth, and eleventh days of captivity in Hanover, NH
Well, ok, so I stink at keeping daily posts, but for the past 2 nights it really wasn't my fault.
As it turns out, doing jumping jacks when you are carrying a 24-week person-in-the-make inside your tummy is a bad idea. I did just that on my first class of the day 2 days ago - because I couldn't figure out a better way to help my students understand the Portuguese word for exercise. Silly me, I could have done so many other things.
A few moments later I felt that sharp pain that you get right after you run with your mouth open. Well, that wasn't the problem, the problem was the pain wouldn't leave me all day long.
At dinner time I asked to go see a doctor, so my ride and I ended up at the emergency room from 7pm to almost midnight, and under observation in the OBG department till 2 am. So much for planning lessons for the next day.
I was so optimistic about getting a lot done that night. Our cultural activity - Brigadeiros field trip - happened before dinner. That meant I'd have the rest of the evening for class planning, drill writing, heck, maybe I would even make it to the 4th floor to wash my water bottles.
So much for that. Instead I spent 7 hours at a hospital wondering if i would even go back to the program or if my stay there was doomed somehow due to medical recommendations.
They kept telling me I likely just strained a muscle, but if that was the case, why had they let me go from the ER and then kept me again in the OBG?
Other than that though, the day went well. We used the diagnostic class to work on some brigadeiro vocab and watch a video about it. And then had a regular tutoring session (Q&A). Then we walked downtown to the Brigadeiro store and and some delicious brigadeiros.
The following morning was rough. I got up at six to plan my 8 am lesson, and made it out of my room just in time for it.
Yay, it's the independence of Bahia! Yes! July 2.
It was a crazy day, because I was worn out and I was still in pain from the incident of the day before. I taught my classes sitting down because moving just hurt, and to make things worse my mom tells me (via text message) that the reason I strained a muscle is that I am not physically fit. "After baby is out you're starting ab-crunches." Ew! Anything but ab-crunches, please.
Dinner was rough, Tylenol was not working, and I could barely make it down to the printer to get the material for the "light, really light" cultural activity I had planned for. So I borrowed a heating pad, had my Assistant teacher run the show for the night and went straight to bed.
That was the best idea I had for the whole day. I needed that rest. My students needed (they had actually been asking for) time to plan and prepare their skits. The skits must be presented on Saturday evening and I am not supposed to help.
Today I woke up much better, and the students are more confident having had time to work on the skits.
Unfortunately the morning class was painful. Every time blobby kicked on my sore side I wanted to cry. Tylenol and heating pad kept me through class, which I taught sitting down. Don't call me lazy. Try moving around with a strained muscle on your side.
I normally find the baby moves very entertaining. It's pretty much the coolest thing to have my arm take flight from my tummy bc some person inside it is dancing and prancing around. It's also a very weird thought. I am not sure if this image fits better in a scary sci-fi movie or in a TLC show. However, when my muscles are sore, the only thing I can do is laugh - just so I don't cry. And this overdeveloped blob of cells is pretty much a fitness-freak.
I called my doctor. Is there anything I can do? Ride it out, she said. Bangay might help too. And keep active. I will try.
By lunch time I was feeling much better (yay, heating pads!) Then Hillary Clinton happens to be in town, so we had a huge break after lunch. And I was able to have a break. Great. time to catch up, blog away and do some drill writing. Maybe I will even be able to stand up on my next class.
The differentiated instruction has been working wonderfully. Both students are happy and getting the help they need.
As for me, I find it so weird to speak Portuguese for so many hours out of the day with anyone that is not my family.
We have a little bit over 24 hours left of captivity. I guess we can make it alive.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
seventh and eighth days of captivity in Hanover, NH
Well, I didn't write anything yesterday because when I got back to the dorm I laid down in bed to watch a video and next time I opened my eyes, it was 2 in the morning.
At that point I just kicked off my converse, pulled off my jeans, turned to the wall and slept fo rthe rest of the night.
Yesterday was the first day that I finished preparing my lessons early enough. By early afternoon they were all planned. Well, of course. I was meeting my baby for my birthday at night.
I was pretty tired yesterday. Even though I got to my room early, I could barely keep my eyes open. My kingdom for a RedBull.
My students brought me cupcakes and I taught them how to sing happy birthday to you in Portuguese.
Even after eating the chocolate cupcakes I was still really tired.
Today I slept till 6:45 in the morning. So glad I had all my lessons ready.
Tomorrow I really have to wake up early because lessons didn't get prepared at all. I was busy with meetings and payroll stuff all day.
In the evening we went downtown for a special event where they were going to serve us a typical meal ... well, as typical as they could get.
It was a fun time practicing the target language. On the way back, I said good night to my students when we got close to our dorms, and they promised me they'd speak portuguese. Sure I believed them. Why not? It's not like they don't take advantage of the time I am away to speak English to each other. ...
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Sixth day of captivity in Hanover, NH
Who would have thought that I would have to do differentiated instruction at a 12-day immersion camp with a group that consists of TWO students! Well, yeah, for at least one hour a day I will have have to create to separate classes. Yay! more work for me. The thing is, they did really like their individualized attention and were glad I did that. Well, in Brazil we say if you're out in the rain you're there to get wet. Let's get wet then - and give the people what the people want.
But today I did have a feeling that I am doing my job much better. I'm finally getting the hang of it. The classes went on much smoother than before.
The students also are doing much better. I don't know what is going on in their brains right now, but they seem enthusiastic and are talking and understanding a lot more.
The cultural event was Futebol Brasileiro. It was really fun! I gave them some futebol vocabulary, we talked about the world cups in which Brazil was champion or almost got there. We DID NOT talk much about last year's uttermost humiliation. We did go over some curious facts about soccer, and the Maracana's losing their place as largest stadium in the world because it reduced its capacity from 200,000 to 78,0000.
Well, I am exhausted. And tomorrow it starts all over. Boy! Well, at least the students are actually learning.
I miss my baby. He dropped me off here in the morning and drove home. :'( That's why it rained all day. The sky was crying with me.
But I don't think about missing him when I am teaching or racing through the hallways to get stuff done, only when I am by myself. And today, even by myself I couldn't think much, because I was falling asleep. We didn't really fall asleep on the early side last night ...
Then I woke up at 4 to prepare lessons for the day.
Tomorrow is my b-day so we will meet again, just that this time we will meet halfway, in Brattleboro (no idea how to spell it - it's new england).
As much as I want to be with my baby, I don't want to go back to that stupid apartment. I have nothing to do there all day. I will just sit around miserable remembering that everything I own is in storage and we have no perspective of finding an affordable house that meets our checklist. Then I will cry all day and be a pest to my husband when he gets home.
The lessons got done by 6. But the cultural event for the evening wasn't. I had to do it during the day.
I really don't like it how the book and the drills seem to not match on purpose. I'm going to ask Michael if he wants me to write actual matching drills for that book - for a small compensation of course!
Okay, I am literally falling asleep as I type. I should go now. Shower and bed.
P.S. Ew! There was human hair in the shower stall! What was I thinking to forget my flipflops. I hope I don't get some weird fungus and die.
Fifth day of captivity in Hanover, NH
Oh brother, is there anything better than seeing the one you love and actually being able to sleep with him! We take those things for granted, you know, we really do. So glad to be in a motel room with my baby and not in the dorm.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Fourth day of captivity in Hanover, NH
OMG! Someone was in the bathroom this morning when I wanted in ... So that's what happens when students arrive. Your privacy is over! Now I have to wait to use the shower!
Ok, I will get up earlier tomorrow.
The meal last night was the best one I had had so far, but the meals today were just as good. I guess the caterers were waiting for the students to arrive to start making the good stuff.
Last night I was freaking out trying to the make a list of cultural events, just so Michael could come look at it and tell me they were all wrong. Back to the drawing board I went. Cultural events have to be more about fun and experience than about doing hard work. After all, at the end of a day of sheer torture in a foreign language, their brains are pretty fried.
The only time students are allowed to speak English is at breakfast. I am using the word allowed very loosely. Staff is supposed to speak in the target language 100% of the time so if we want to torture them a bit more, we can go and sit with them during breakfast as well. I did that today.
Hanover is a cute town. Have I had time to walk around much? I have ran out of TUMs on Tuesday night, CVS is a 10 minute walk and I still haven't gone buy TUMs. ...
My classes today went a lot slower than what I had predicted, but I know exactly what I did wrong. I should only review during the last class of the day, and I did it right after lunch. Fatal mistake. If you don't cover enough stuff the AT won't have enough materials for 5 hours of drills and will have to improvise. ... I can't do that to Ceci.
Tomorrow I have to get into the go-go-go rhythm of this immersion program. After the evening event (a very good movie called Rassias in China) I had a chance to talk with David, a Spanish AT. He, like me, was thinking about all the stuff he'd done wrong through the day and how he could make it better. I really like that we can do this self-evaluation. That's the only way we can actually improve.
Rassias in China was a nice movie about the whole Rassias Method and how Chinese teachers of English were trained in it and started implementing it in their classrooms.
My eyes are really hurting right now and my brain has pretty much shut down. I will go to sleep. Tomorrow I will get up as soon as the alarm rings, shower, and finish up these lessons, and the cultural activity.
I can't wait to see Dean ... We facetime every night, but really ... I sort of need more than facetime with my baby ... even if he is glued to his computer for 4 hrs a night. I think I am addicted to my husband ... Come on, Saturday night! Come quickly!
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Third day of captivity in Hanover NH
Oh, I will stop writing now, and go back to lesson planning. 3 lessons for tomorrow and 5 hours of drills to go with it. I’m freaking out a bit. Just a bit. ...
Ok, I am freaking out a lot. ...
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Second Day in Hanover, NH
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
First day in Hanover, NH
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Do you know what June 18 is?
Thursday was an interesting day. For those who know me, I use the word interesting very freely; I use it for lack of a better – clearer – understanding of what I really feel about something.
Well, let’s start with “it was Paul McCartney’s birthday”. And I, along with millions (maybe billions) of other fans, took it to twitter to say happy birthday. I used to do fancy birthday wishes in the hopes that mine got retweeted by @PaulMcCartney. Apparently I am not the most creative person out there. But yes, my day is pretty much Paul center on June 18th. Out of every ten words that cross my mind on every June 18th, eleven are PaulMcCartney (yes, one word), and that night I usually dream about him as well.
I am just thankful my hubby isn’t jealous of Paul. Why would he anyway? The guy is 73, and I am, well, 21. They guy is ubber famous and I am, let’s say, not.
And yes, I know I am slightly crazy (okay, maybe a little bit over-the-edge crazy), but shut up. Whoever isn’t slightly crazy about something throw the first stone. So, yes, shut it. You know exactly what I am talking about.
Okay, day goes on. It is a regular work day. Slaves go to work on regular work day, and so do I – and glad I have work to go to. And even though Paulie was everything I could think about, I did do my job. I have to say I forgot my lunch at home, but I did my job.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
blood work
Sunday, April 05, 2015
Easter message
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Let's all be civil
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Two bad products on the same day?
They both arrived on the same day. They were both huge disappointments.
The license plate had a Jamaican flag.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
too many cultural differences
Yes, when I came to America I took a class on American culture as part of my training as an au pair. However sometimes I hear teachers (Foreign and Americans alike) emphasizing aspects of the American cultures that even the Americans don't seem to know it exists.
"Unless there is something wrong with me, this is how I act on a regular basis," I was told by an American friend of mine when I mentioned a supposedly no-no in American culture, but standard in Puerto-Rican culture. This particular friend of mine is of Scottish-Irish ancestry.
Now, honestly, friends, let's talk about American culture. America has 50 states.
Heck, Brazil has 26 states and we have several different Brazilian cultures. So talking about Brazilian culture has to be either a very short set of general guidelines that defines the majority of the Brazilian population across the states, or it will be a very prejudiced or elitist (only this group of Brazilians determine which one is the Brazilian culture) definition of the Brazilian culture.
The same goes for the US. 50 states. 5 official regions. How can we define American culture without either giving very few and general guidelines or without being extremely elitist to the point of saying that these people here in this area are the true representatives of American culture, and everyone else is just not doing it right?
50 states, 5 regions, about 20 different ancestries which came from different economic and religious sects of their original countries. Each of these categories make a different culture.
The American culture is a mix and match of all these. It takes quite a bit of effort to find so many definite American cultural traits. Yes, they exist, mas they are not as many as one would like to believe they are.
We are more the same than we are different.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
A month later ... I pledge somersaults. No, wait.
Did your chin drop? Well, I can't say I think it's ugly. I can't say I don't like it. It's still beautiful. And everytime it snows, my heart still jumps a little bit, like a little girl excited that she hears daddy's voice as he arrives home from work.
But I just want it to go away already. Enough is enough.
My dad used to say that too little of something is insufficient, too much of something is excessive.
It's not that I don't like the snow. It's that the snow won't melt! It won't melt! It won't friggin melt!
I feel like I am stuck in a never-ending winter. Feel like I will never be able to feel the heat of the sun again.
Negative temperatures are never a good thing. Negative temperatures in Fahrenheit is definitely never a good thing. Negative temperatures in Fahrenheit and for several days, weeks in a row is absolutely never (ever, in anyone's wildest nightmare) a good thing.
It has been a long cold winter and I am so ready to pack up my things and move back to Brazil.
Suddenly Here Comes the Sun had become my favorite Beatles song. It used to be one of my least favorites, above only freaks like All You Need is Love, Within You Without You, and Hey Jude (no, Hey Jude is not that great, no matter what you say).
So, now it has been in the 40s during the day for a couple of days. I am praying with all my heart that it goes higher a little bit everyday and that it stays that way until we reach the 70s.
I pledge that on the first sunny, windless, 70-degree day, I will go outside and bask. And the only reason why I don't say I will do somersaults is because I absolutely don't know how to.
Thursday, February 05, 2015
Quite honestly, I hate winter. I hate it with all my heart. The deadly cold. The wind that cuts right through your soul. The dreadful black ice. Do you want a cranky Vika? Check her out in the winter time.
But snow? No, I don't complain about snow. I always say that if I have to go through this awful weather, you better give me something beautiful to look at. If I have to be cold, let it be in a winter wonderland.
So let it snow, beautiful white snow, until spring comes.
At least I don't feel like I am stuck in a giant freezer, where all life has ceased to exist. Quite the opposite, now I feel like I am simply in a land where everything is blanketed in a white yummy frosting, and sprinkled with confectioner's sugar.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
afraid of death?
So I guess I need to clarify.
I like being alive. That's how God made me.
What am I really afraid of?
I'm not sure whether I am afraid of dying or of getting old. Maybe neither.
I am afraid of time maybe. I guess I am afraid of the fact that our time is so short, and I don't want to waste it. In my mind I still feel like I am 14. Sometimes I even feel like I am less smart than most 14-year-olds, but then again, when have I have been smarter than anyone over 14? I feel like I will be 84 and still feel the same way. If I get to be 84.
I am afraid of what I don't know. They say we are afraid of the unknown. Well, I don't know what it's like to die, but I suppose there is a lot of pain involved.
I am afraid of pain. You have no idea. I have very little tolerance for pain. I am not sure why I was born a woman, since women supposedly have more tolerance for pain. I have always been a chicken. I was afraid of getting my first period, because I was told I would bleed. I was afraid sex would hurt, and that terrified me, because if there was one thing I really wanted when I was a virgin was to have sex. I am terrified of the day I find out I am pregnant because that baby will have to come out somehow.
So it's the ailments that scare me. That ailments of life.
Most of us will die of cancer, heart disease or some freaky accident.
When I was a kid I always thought I could die of some freaky accident - like falling down the elevator shaft or shot on a bus robbery. But why stop there? Car accidents, kitchen accidents (I did almost cut my finger off with a knife last year), slippery bath tub accidents (yes, I look at the bath tub and all I see are ways I could get myself badly hurt; that's why I keep the bathtub so squeaky clean), fire accidents.
Not only accidents. I have been paying more attention to how people die. Cancer kills a lot of people. Then there is heart disease. A young couple died of a heart attack the first time they had sex. So now I don't think only of freaky accidents, I also think cancer and heart disease. Then there is food poison and medical errors.
All of these mean one thing - pain. I watch a TV show called Bones, and they make very vivid descriptions of what happens to the body when people die in freaky ways. They all sound painful.
Then there is the ailments of old age. I had a teacher who used to say, if you don't die at a young age, old age will do it. Aging also does things to your body. And there you go thinking you're 14, next thing you know you've got Alzheimer's, or dementia, or something freaky like that.
What happens to our bodies when we die? What do we feel? Do we have time to regret all the things we didn't do?
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Boys respected Girls
Men have always used swear words, but in front of a lady, they did not.
Men have always used vulgar language to talk about sex, but in front of a lady, they did not.
Men have always gotten drunk and fought each other, but in front of a lady, they did not.
Men were always illbehaved, but in front of a lady, they knew to behave properly.
Today, who even realizes there is a woman in the group? In fact, even women talk dirty and use vulgar language to talk about sex. They get drunk, fight and are illbehaved.
That is, even women nowadays do not respect themselves... ... Today? Today is euphemism, because when I was a teenager it was already so. I miss the teenage days of my mom.