Saturday, January 02, 2016

Bustling metropolis

The place where we now live is such a huge bustling metropolis that we don't even have our own zip code. 

We frequently get mail where our address town shows the name of our neighboring town. 

Yes, we moved to the middle of nowhere. 
No, I was not too fond of the idea. But, yes, I knew what I was getting myself into. 

Friday, January 01, 2016

Dear Alexandra,

Even if you turn out blond, I'll keep telling blond jokes. Sorry. Good luck. 
Vika  (your mom)

The most self centered posting this year has seen

Gone is 2015. Quite a roller coaster it was - full of ups and downs. I laughed out loud many times. I cried myself to sleep many others. Like most people, I sang my victories as loudly as I could and I hid my sorrows as well as I knew how. 2015 is forever gone, but not forgotten. Nothing that changed in it will be easily left behind. New house, new baby, new friends... But also drawbacks and the loss of loved ones, not only to death. Sometimes I did great at dealing with all these changes, other times not so much. Sometimes I really tried my best, others I just gave up and let people down. Sometimes I apologized, others I just said "wtf". 
Now 2016 is here. It's not a new beginning, it's a sequel. 
It brings with it new hopes, but also the consequences of the year that left us. Hopefully I've learned something. Hopefully I'll be a little better. Hopefully I'll still be around by the end of it. 
I've learned not to make New Years resolutions ... as I'm still trying to grow up and brush my teeth without being told.