That's a Paul McCartney song. From his latest CD.
I am watching a movie that reminded me of this song. It's called "The Quiet Room" about a girl who gives up talking because of her parents divorce. Throughout the movie her speech is in her mind. It is so interesting.

Reminded me of myself. My aunt says it was as if I lived in another world. Maybe that is why I grew up to be so different from everyone.
Unfortunately since I've learned to talk, I won't stop. I wish I would. So people would know when I am hurting.
"Even to cut off your own negative points can be dangerous. ONe never knows which of the negative points is the one on the basis of the whole building." Clarice Lispector
1 comment:
Sometimes I'd also like to make people see how I feel... but on the other hand, sometimes it's better if people can't see that you feel bad - some of them just don't have to know it.
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