And we did lots of crazy stuff together.
Some of them were caught on camera:
Us laying on the floor of the parking garage at the mall.
Us on the crosswalk “a la Abbey Road”. Just that we were dancing and jumping, instead of calmly crossing like John, Paul, George and Ringo.
Us swinging from the lamp post in front of McDonald's.
Us holding the covers of all our Beatles CDs.
Us throwing eggs on my head to celebrate my b-day.
Us sleeping over at my aunt's.
Us doing group hug.
Us at my wedding.
Lots of crazy stuff we did together were never caught on camera:
Us crying on each other's shoulder every time a boyfriend did not work out.
Us making plans to live together and eat Ramen Noodles for ever.
Us making plans of world domination.
Us yelling at each other for never getting a chance to say anything.
Us yelling at each other for being late for our meeting at the mall.
Us screaming at the TV while we watched an old Beatles TV show.
Us being loud and messy on the bus.
Us growing apart and growing closer again.
Us saying we were sorry.
Us telling secrets that we won't even tell our moms.
Us. Always Us.
I miss Us.
I miss having friends like Us.
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