IF I DIDN'T HAVE MY PARENTS to explain me that what they are talking about is not love - it's sex - and that attraction between people of the same sex is a sin, that sex with someone who is not our spouse ( out of wedlock ) is a sin , I would grow up THINKING THAT THIS IS NORMAL. In about 20 years our entire society would have this mentality , and no one would have thought that it might be different .
WHAT I LEARNED WITH CURRENT 8 O'CLOCK SOAP OPERA (Amor a Vida) - Both men and women can go around picking up everyone. A woman who picks up everyone is not a bitch , she is as free as any man. I also learned that anyone can get AIDS, and that virginity in adult life is a problem to be solved .
IF I DIDN'T HAVE MY PARENTS to explain me that equal rights does not mean to go down to the level of the other, that right is right and wrong is wrong, and that when a certain group of people is wrong, the other group should not want to be equal in error; that AIDS is indeed restricted to certain groups - those who are sexually active, and usually have more than one partner - that being sexually active is not as common as breathing, eating candy and bike riding; that virginity is precious and that should not be given away till after the wedding - to your spouse - and not at the "right time", I would grow up THINKING THAT THIS IS NORMAL. In about 20 years our entire society would have this mentality , and no one would have thought that it might be different .
But even if we can't prevent things from showing on TV, you have to take a stand about it, especially if u watch TV together with people whose minds are in formation. If u have children, younger siblings, nephews, grandchildren - do not let the shit that comes out of the screen go in their ears without processing, without a dialogue. Ideas need to be discussed, especially in training minds, so that right and wrong are not confused. Younger people always look at older people in search of a model , a map, a north. As much as we scold and say we don't care, younger people seek indeed the older people for models. Many of the things I do today are a mere imitation of what I grew up watching my mother, my grandmother and my aunt do or say. The way I take care of children is an imitation as well. Imitating elders is almost inherent in human beings .
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